Webcast: Shift in Background Verification | TAT from Weeks to Hours
Shift in Background Verification | TAT from Weeks to Hours
LIVE Webcast
Wednesday, December 6th 2023, 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM IST
Shift in Background Verification | TAT from Weeks to Hours

Turnaround time for background verification is a critical pain point in any verification cycle. Increasingly, efficiency in background checks is imperative for HR users to save time and resources, enhancing its ability to make informed hiring decisions and maintain workplace integrity. Swift and reliable background verification is not only beneficial for applicants and businesses but also for maintaining the integrity of the verification system itself.

With the rise of the gig economy, remote work, great resignation, and digital onboarding, the need for background verification is bound to increase. This session will explore the paradigm shift in background verification and how the overall turnaround time can be reduced to hours from weeks using the right set of tools and technology.

People Matters and OnGrid are proud to bring to you an exclusive webinar where we discuss the following:

  1. Importance of background verification for HR users to ensure a safe and reliable workforce
  2. Impact of expediting hiring process to secure right talent quickly and minimise operational disruptions
  3. Implementation of multi-channel verification methodology for KYC and background checks

Our Speakers
Piyush Peshwani
Piyush Peshwani

Co-founder, OnGrid and eLockr

Satinder Madan
Satinder Madan

Transformation Head of Global People Operations, Wipro Ltd

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