Webcast: Post-offer Candidate engagement: Behavioural opportunities, trends and roadblocks
Post-offer Candidate engagement: Behavioural opportunities, trends and roadblocks
LIVE Webcast
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM IST
Post-offer Candidate engagement: Behavioural opportunities, trends and roadblocks

The post-offer period is a critical time for both companies and candidates. And engaging a candidate post offer can no longer be left to chance. Companies need to have a strategy to ensure they’re effectively engaging candidates – not just to showcase their employer brand but to build a lasting relationship with the candidate and to prime them to accept the offer at hand.

There’s a lot that companies can do in this period – they can introduce the company culture, get to know the candidates better and also use data points to predict dropouts.

In this webinar, we will talk to experts who will break down the post-offer period to help you realise the behavioural opportunities that help you stand out to the candidate. How can you make the process personalised and meaningful?

  • Why are post-offer periods critical to your hiring strategy?
  • What are the top hiring pitfalls strategists make while engaging a candidate?
  • How can you bring about behavioural engagement touchpoints that are impactful?
  • What are the top trends in engaging candidates by leveraging technology?
  • Our Speakers
    Anurag Dixit
    Anurag Dixit

    Co-founder and CEO, HireSure

    James Job
    James Job

    Senior Vice President – Talent Acquisition India, Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS)

    Rajiv Srinivas
    Rajiv Srinivas

    Head - Talent Strategy, Maveric Systems

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