Webcast: OneHR: Diversity is Everybody’s Business
OneHR: Diversity is Everybody’s Business
LIVE Panel Session
September 16th | 12:00 pm - 1: 30 pm IST | 2: 30 pm - 4:00 pm SGT
OneHR: Diversity is Everybody’s Business

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For human resource leaders, the lessons from the tumultuous year of 2020 (so far) are that HR has a clear and unequivocal mandate to create equity initiatives that drive positive change for ALL stakeholders in their organizations. While organizations around the world understand the need for diversity and are putting efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive work (workplaces), the progress doesn’t seem to be much. Programs designed to increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace often fail.

The key is to move just beyond D&I initiatives and embrace equity, belonging, data-led agenda, and the right hiring tools.

In this discussion brought to you by People Matters & LinkedIn Talent Solutions, we will aim at creating a roadmap to shift the DEI needle positively by delving upon:

  1. D&I -The journey so far and the current business mandates
  2. Actionable steps for maintaining a diversity mix while hiring at all levels
  3. Making development and skilling an inclusive opportunity and paving way for equal growth opportunities
  4. Establishing goals and accountability with data-driven D&I targets
  5. Leveraging tools to achieve better D&I outcomes
  6. The way forward to make the right shift in D&I

Our Speakers
Sunita Rebecca Cherian
Sunita Rebecca Cherian

Chief Culture Officer & Senior Vice President - Human Resources, Wipro

Madhu Srivastava
Madhu Srivastava

Group CHRO, Vedanta

Paul Choi
Paul Choi

Group Head of Human Resources, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)

Ruchee Anand
Ruchee Anand

Director - Talent and Learning Solutions, LinkedIn

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