Webcast: How a leading retail company closed frontline skill gaps with right skilling
How a leading retail company closed frontline skill gaps with right skilling
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd | 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM IST
Upskilling frontline teams for business growth


To Win in the 20s, organizations need to keep pace with today’s environment.

One in which we are expected to pivot repeatedly toward new ways of working, and hence, there is a clear mandate for organizations to reinvent themselves to be agile, flexible, and aligned to customer needs. Reinventing as a next-generation learning organization.

As a part of this webcast series under People Matters and Disprz, “Winning in the 20s” this first session brings to you, “Unlocking the potential of your frontline talent”

In this session, we will look at how companies can successfully empower their frontline workers resulting in greater productivity and financial results.

The session will delve deeper into:

  • How has the role of frontline workers evolved to deliver on business when business models have changed?
  • Why should closing the skill gap for frontline workers should be the L&D organization’s agenda?
  • How can enterprises succeed in redefining the performance of frontline talent by re-architecting their learning needs?
  • What are some new-age skilling technologies and tools to create great learning pathways for frontline talent?

Our Speakers
Priyanka Agarwal
Priyanka Agarwal

Head-HR, Corporate functions and Retail Learning, More Retail

Kuljit Chadha
Kuljit Chadha

Co-founder & COO, Disprz

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