Webcast: Becoming HR leaders of the future: What does it take
Becoming HR leaders of the future: What does it take
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LIVE LinkedIn Live
FRIDAY, APR 08TH | 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm
Becoming HR leaders of the future: What does it take?

In a tight labour market with organisations struggling to retain employees, making way for informed decisions, identifying the blind spots within the organisation and responding to new priorities is super critical. The war for talent is raging, the macro economic trends, and chaos in the entire world are adding to the challenges of skills shortages, stress, and burnout.

The work ecosystem in the post-pandemic milieu is getting more complex than ever. HR leaders need to step up to take a larger role and help their business and people navigate through these ever-evolving impediments to growth. But what skills and knowledge do HR professionals need to play this larger role? How can they enable themselves and the bigger team to respond to the emerging trends in business and work?

In an upcoming LinkedIn Live by People Matters, discover what it takes to become the HR leader of the future. Let’s march forward in our quest to identify the winners of the People Matters Are you in the List Awards–the HR leaders who can lead the change in 2022 and beyond.

In this LinkedIn Live, we explore:

  • What are the key asks of business leaders, CEOs and founders from HR leaders? How have these expectations changed in the last two years? (Pre-pandemic vs Post-Pandemic role of HR)
  • The HR function will take on a new role in influencing many other aspects of the business. What skills do HR professionals need to build to be ready for this evolving role in the new world of work?
  • How are these futuristic HR leaders challenging the existing business and work practices?
  • How should organisations empower their HR teams and help them make a greater impact?
  • What is the one thing that will help HR leaders stand out from the crowd and make a real change in the world of work?
  • Presenting Partner DDI Logo
    Our Speakers
    Divya Amarnath
    Divya Amarnath

    Director HR, Flipkart

    Kanishka Raina
    Kanishka Raina

    Director HR, Finserv

    Megha Gupta
    Megha Gupta

    Director HR, Finserv

    Sivani Nanda
    Sivani Nanda

    Director - People, Tiger Analytics India

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