Webcast: AI for Productivity
AI for Productivity
LIVE Virtual Session
Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM SGT
AI for Productivity: How AI-driven, Self-Service Platforms Help You Unlock Success

In today's digital landscape, the definition of productivity has evolved beyond mere output to encompass a more nuanced understanding of efficiency and engagement. Companies, amidst rapid disruptions, are reforging new productivity metrics. Many look at AI to help herald a new wave of productivity. AI-powered tools can streamline various business functions, from automating mundane tasks to analysing complex data. Self-service platforms, empowered by AI, can enable employees to address issues independently, thereby boosting overall productivity, shortening delivery times, and raising operational efficiency.

But AI remains an uncertain area. Investing in AI technology involves weighing the initial costs against the potential returns and HR leaders and decision-makers need to balance upfront expenses and long-term productivity gains.

This webinar explores the transformative role of AI in enhancing productivity through self-service platforms. We will delve into how AI is redefining productivity, offer practical strategies for leveraging AI to streamline workflows, and address the cost-benefit analysis of AI investments. Supported by real-world customer stories gear up for valuable insights and strategies that will be successful AI implementations and help you raise business impact through productivity. Our panellists will discuss:

  • The new definition of productivity in 2024 the role of AI in enabling employees to be more productive, engaged and motivated
  • Strategies for companies to leverage the potential of AI to make workflows more efficient with a focus on employee-centric implementation for better adoption
  • Balancing the costs to investing in AI tech with its returns on productivity, experience, and engagement
  • Customer stories on successful implementation, lessons learned and improvements through the use of AI
  • Our Speaker
    Danielle Magnusson
    Danielle Magnusson

    Director of Solutions Consulting, Employee Workflows, ServiceNow

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