The Future of Talent Management - CHRO Perspectives & Insights



The Future of Talent Management – CHRO Perspectives & Insights

The talent market is undergoing a universal transformation, and it is resetting the equation for talent value.

Persistent talent shortages, changing employee attitudes and motivations are reshaping the talent landscape and altering the dynamics of talent power.

To navigate this, the talent management outlook can no longer function as isolated functions like recruitment, performance management, etc, but needs a comprehensive, holistic strategy of building, engaging and retaining a productive workforce.


To better understand the shifts, PeopleStrong and People Matters launched “ The Future of Talent Management – CHRO Perspectives & Insights ”, surveying over 200 people leaders from top organisations across India and Asia; this study attempts to comprehend the implications of this shift on the world of work.

Despite 67% of people leaders asserting that their talent strategy is integrated with the business strategy, only one in three businesses have fully digitised talent operations.

CEOs have explicitly defined closing the Capability Chasm as a priority for CHROs, yet HR leaders increasingly face challenges in swiftly finding and developing talent. Internal mobility takes centre stage, with 72% of HR leaders identifying critical roles and succession plans but only 50% having visibility into successor readiness.

The most important question today is whether organisations are prepared enough to navigate the most significant workplace transformation since the advent of the internet.

Download this study to understand:

- Why it is time to redefine your talent management philosophy

- The rise of skill-based talent management

- Gaps in digitising and how to fix it

- The route to hyper-personalised career paths

- Making the way for applied AI


Happy Reading :)

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