Webcast: How can HR Drive the Green Workforce Agenda? A MasterClass for Sustainable Success
How can HR Drive the Green Workforce Agenda? A MasterClass for Sustainable Success
LIVE Masterclass
Wednesday, October 18th | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM IST
How can HR Drive the Green Workforce Agenda? A MasterClass for Sustainable Success

The future is all about sustainability. According to LinkedIn’s latest research, this rings true even for India where paid job postings on the platform requiring green skills have seen a definitive rise. While industries like farming, ranching, forestry and construction have been found to lead this revolution, other businesses cannot be left far behind. This is because according to a report by the Skills Council For Green Jobs, India’s net-zero goal will need 50 million green jobs by 2070.

So while greening the workforce is a critical agenda for all organizations moving forward, the challenges of scarcity will arise. Addressing these skill shortages internally and tapping into unexplored talent pools will be invaluable for enterprises across India. An added bonus will be leveraging the potential of a green evolution in jobs to build sustainable businesses. But how can we get started on this journey?

In partnership with LinkedIn Talent Solutions, we come with an insightful Masterclass that will delve into top green skills and how intelligent platforms can bridge skill gaps, propelling organizations towards a sustainable future.

Your Key Takeaways

  • Map emerging trends in green careers and identify top skills that must be cultivated
  • Leverage the power of talent insights to craft an impactful roadmap for organizations
  • Enable green hiring and accelerate sustainability with intelligent platforms
  • Invest in future-forward learning frameworks to master green skills
  • Exploit the potential of cutting-edge AI-powered solutions to drive the green workforce agenda
  • Our Speakers
    Rambabu Srinivas
    Rambabu Srinivas

    Senior Vice President and Global Head - Talent Acquisition and RMG, Tata Technologies

    Anuradha Dewan
    Anuradha Dewan

    Senior Product Consultant , Insights, LinkedIn

    Adhiraj Gupta
    Adhiraj Gupta

    Senior Customer Success Manager, LinkedIn

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